| Nikolai Efimovich TIMKOV 1912 — 1993Миколай Єфимович ТІМКОВ • Николай Ефимович ТИМКОВNikolai Efimovich Timkov was born at a settlement of Nakhichevanskaya Dacha close to Rostov-on-
Don in 1912. In 1939 Timkov graduated from the I. Repin Institute in the I. Brodsky workshop.
Since 1929 he has participated in Art exhibitions. The member of the LCRAU since 1943.
Worked as a landscape painter. Honoured Artist of Russian Federation (1987).
One man exhibitions in Leningrad (1947, 1976), Moscow (1982), Rostov-on-Don (1957),
St.Petersburg (1993), San Francisco (1998, 2000, 2001), Aspen (1999), New York (1999,
2001), Scottsdale (2000), Palm Beach (2000), Vail (2001), Washington (2001). Paintings by Nikolai TIMKOV are in State Russian Museum, State Tretyakov Gallery. Died in 1993.