| Ivan KLIUN 1873 — 1943Іван КЛЮН • Иван Васильевич КЛЮНIvan Vasilievich Kliun was born in (Kliunkov) was born in Bolshie Gorki village near Moscow in 1870. Russian painter, Avant-garde suprematist and constructivist artist, graphic artist and sculptor. A contemporary of Kazimir Malevich. He was interested in the problem of color in a flat art composition, as well as in multidimensional work. Kliun studied at the Art School in Penza. In 1889-1990 he studied at the school of the Society of the Encouragement of the Arts in Warsaw. From 1990-1905 he studied art at the studios of F.Rerberg, Il.Mashkov and V.Fisher in Moscow. From 1907 to 1914 he studied at the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. In 1910 - 1914 Kliun participated in exhibitions of the group of artists Soyuz Molodyozhi (Union of Youth) together with David Burliuk, Wladimir Burliuk, Kazimir Malevich, Pavel Filonov, Vladimir Tatlin, Yuri Annenkov and others. In 1915 Kliun participated in exhibitions of the group Tramway V. In the same year he joined the group of artists Supremus that was led by Malevich.
In 1916 he together with artists-suprematists Kazimir Malevich, Aleksandra Ekster, Nina Genke, Liubov Popova, Nadezhda Udaltsova and others worked at Verbovka Village Folk Centre.
From 1917 to 1921 Kliun was Head of the Central Exhibition Bureau of the Fine Arts Department of Narkompros. He taught at VKhUTEMAS in Moscow. In 1918-1921. The artist died in 1943 in Moscow.