sergei Nicolaevich GRUSENBERG 1888 — 1934Сергій Миколайович ГРУЗЕНБЕРГ • Сергей Николаевич ГРУЗЕНБЕРГSergei Nicolaevich Grusenberg (Russian - Сергей Николаевич (Ноевич) Грузенберг) was born in Tiflis (today’s Tbilisi) in 1888. He was a prominent Soviet architect and book illustrator. He studied at the Munich Polytechnic Institute. Upon graduation Grusenberg worked at Ginger and Fomin Architects in St. Petersburg. Since 1912 he was the head of the historical preservation department of Russian Empire. In 1919 he moved to Ekaterinoslav (today’s Dniepropetrovsk), where he became a professor of the architecture department of the Jewish Polytechnic Institute and where he worked until 1921. Since 1922 he worked in Moscow. His works were shown in Paris at the International exhibition of decorative art. During 1932-1934 Grusenberg worked as an artist at the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR. The artist died in Moscow in 1934. |