| David BURLIUK 1882 — 1967Давид БУРЛЮК • Давид БУРЛЮКBorn in 1882 in Semirotovschina, Kharvik Province. Painter, graphic artist, book illustrator, poet, author of manifestos and critical articles. Studied at the Kazan School of Art (1898-1999), Odesa School of Art (1899-1900, 1910-1911), Royal Academy of Arts in Munich (1902-1903), Academie Fernand Cormon in Paris (1904) and the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1911-1914, expelled). Held the “Link” exhibition in Kyiv (1908) and helped to organize the first “Jack of Diamonds” exhibition (1910). Member and contributor to the exhibitions of the Union of Russian Artists, Fellowship of South Russian Artists (1912) and the “Jack of Diamonds” (1912-1916). Lived in the Urals and Siberia (1917-1919), Japan (1920-1922) and the United States (1922-1967). Died in Long Island, New York in 1967. |