| Nikolai Mikhailovich SUETIN 1897 — 1954Миколай Михайлович СУЕТІН • Николай Михайлович СУЕТИНNikolai Mikhailovich Suetin was born in Myatlevskaya, Kaluga province in 1897. Studied at Vitebsk Higher Art School in 1918-1922. Active in Petrograd from 1922. Member of UnovIs from 1919; Painterly-Plastic-Realism, Leningrad, 1928. Worked in Museum of Artistic Culture in 1923-1926; worked at Lomonosov porcelain factory, Leningrad, from 1923 (art director in 1932-1952); helped design Soviet pavilions international exhibitions in Paris in 1937 and New York in 1939. Best known as a ceramic artist. Also a graphic artist; art critic and art historian. Died in 1954. |