| Abram Efimovich ARKHIPOV 1862 — 1930Абрам Єфімович АРХІПОВ • Абрам Ефимович АРХИПОВAbram Efimovich Arkhipov was born in 1862 in the village of Yegorovo in the Ryazan province, Russia. Studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in 1877 under such artists as Vasiliy Perov, Vasiliy Polenov, and Vladimir Makovsky. In 1883 Archipov went to study at the Imperial Academy of Arts in St Petersburg. In 1885 returned to Moscow. Arkhipov was a Russian realist artist, who was a member of the art collective “The Wanderers” (1890) as well as the Union of Russian Artists (1903). Arkhipov also spent much time on his activities as a teacher. He started teaching 1894 at the Moscow School of Art, Sculpture and Architecture, and carried on there after the Revolution. Arkhipov joined the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia in 1924, and in 1927 was awarded the title of People`s Artist of the USSR. Arkhipov died in Moscow in 1930. Themes that occur within his artwork include the lives of Russian women, with some of his realist paintings depicting their grim daily realities. Arkhipov also painted several paintings of peasant women in rural Russia, depicting them in vibrant traditional dresses and national costumes. The early 1900`s saw the creation of Arkhipov`s Northern landscapes. At this time, too, Arkhipov painted a series of portraits of peasant women and girls from the Ryazan and Nizhny Novgorod regions. They are all dressed in bright national costumes. with embroidered scarves and beads. Painted with broad lively strokes, the paintings are marked by their decorativeness and buoyant colors, with rich reds and pinks predominating. The artist died in 1930. |