| Ivan Yakovlevich BILIBIN 1876 — 1942Іван Якович БІЛІБІН • Иван Яковлевич БИЛИБИНIvan Yakovlevich Bilibin was born in Tarkhovka, St. Petersburg province in 1876. He was one of the most influential 20th-century illustrators and stage designers who took part in the Mir iskusstva and contributed to the Ballets Russes. Throughout his career, he was strongly inspired by Slavic folklore. Bilibin studied at Drawing School of OPKh in 1895-1898; St. Petersburg University in 1898-1900; Imperial Academy of Arts as non-enrolled student in 1900-1904. Active in St. Petersburg until 1917; Crimea in 1917-1920; Egypt (Cairo and Alexandria) and Paris in 1920-1936; Leningrad – 1936-1942. In 1902-1904 Bilibin traveled to the Russian North, where he became fascinated with old wooden architecture and Russian folklore. He published his findings in the monograph Folk Arts of the Russian North in 1904. Another major influence on his art was traditional Japanese prints. Bilibin gained renown in 1899, when he released his innovative illustrations of Russian fairy tales. During the Russian Revolution of 1905, he executed revolutionary cartoons. The October Revolution, however, proved alien to him. He delivered lectures in the Soviet Academy of Arts until 1941. Bilibin died in 1942 during the Siege of Leningrad. |