| Samuel Jakovlevic ADLIVANKIN 1897 — 1966Самуїл Якович АДЛІВАНКІН • Самуил Яковлевич АДЛИВАНКИНSamuil Yakovlevich Adlivankin was born in Tatarsk, Mogilev province in 1897. Studied at Odesa Art College in 1912-1918; Moscow Free Art Studios 1918-1919. Active in Moscow. Began exhibiting in 1916. Member of NOZh from 1921 (founding member). Also a graphic artist, contributed drawings to several journals; cinema artist, monumentalist. Moved from non-objective painting to figuration; period of greatest success was early 1930s, when produced a number of classic works of socialist realism. Died in Moscow in 1966. |