| Mikhail Fedorovich LARIONOV 1881 — 1964Михайло Федорович ЛАРІОНОВ • Михаил Федорович ЛАРИОНОВLarionov Mikhail Fedorovich was born in Tiraspol, Odessa region, Ukraine in 1881. Painter, graphic artist, theatre stage designer, pioneer of abstractionism. Founding father of Neo-primitivism (1909). Started along with his wife, Natalia Goncharova, whom he married in 1955 the “Luchizm” (Ray-light, Rayism, Rayonism) movement. Studied at Moscow College of paining, sculpture and architecture in 1896-1901. Was suspended for exhibiting pornographic sketches. Graduated from the college in 1910. Active in Moscow until 1915. Then moved to Switzerland (1915-1917) and later to Paris in 1917. Worked for Sergei Dyagilev until 1929. Died in 1964 in Paris. |