| Ivan Semionovich KULIKOV 1875 — 1941Іван Семенович КУЛІКОВ • Иван Семенович КУЛИКОВIvan Semionovich Kulikov was born in Murom in 1875. Upon graduating from local art college in 1889, the artist worked for his father as a painter and carpenter. In 1893 he met a well known artist Alexander Morozov. The same year he traveled for the first time to Moscow and St. Petersburg. In 1902 Kulikov graduated from the St. Petersburg Art Academy. In 1903-1904 he received a scholarship to study art abroad. In 1915 the artist received a gold medal of first degree at the world art exhibition in Belgium for his painting “Portrait of my mother”. Same year he became the academician. The main subject matters of Kulikov were Russian peasant scenes. The artist organized the museum in Murom and donated his collection of ethnographical objects and costumes as well as paintings to the museum. Kulikov died in Murom in 1941. |