| Arkhip Ivanovich KUINDZHI 1842 — 1910Архип Іванович КУІНДЖІ • Архип Иванович КУИНДЖИArkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi was born in Mariupol in 1841. Spent his youth in the city of Taganrog. His father was a Greek shoemaker Ivan Khristoforovich Kuindzhi (sometimes spelt Emendzhi). He lost his parents at the age of six. Worked, among other jobs, at church building sites. In 1860 to 1865 worked as retoucher in the photo studio of Isakovich in Taganrog. Studied painting independently and in St.Petersburg Academy of arts (from 1868; the full member since 1893). He was co-partner of mobile art exhibitions Peredvizhniki in 1870. During this early period was influenced by Ivan Aivazovsky. In 1872 the artist left the academy and worked as a freelancer. In 1873, Kuindzhi exhibited his painting The Snow, which received the bronze medal at the International Art Exhibition in London in 1874. In the middle of 1870s he created a number of paintings in which the landscape motif was designed for concrete social associations in the spirit of Peredvizhniki. In his mature period Kuindzhy aspired to transfer the most expressive on illumination of a condition of the nature. He applied composite receptions (high horizon, etc.), creating panoramic views. Using light effects and intense colors shown in main tones, he depicted the illusion of illumination (The Ukrainian night, 1876; Birch Grove, 1879; After a thunderstorm, 1879; all three are in Tretyakov Gallery; Night on Dnepr, 1880 in Russian museum, St.Petersburg). Kuindzhi taught at the St.Petersburg Academy of arts (Professor since 1892; professor-head of landscape workshop since 1894; but he was fired in 1897 for support of student`s protests). Among his students were artists such as Arkady Rylov, Nicholas Roerich, Konstantin Bogaevsky. Kuindzhi initiated creation of the Society of artists (1909; later - the Society named after A.I. Kuindzhi). The artist died in St. Petersburg in 1910. |