| Pavel Fedorovich TCHELITCHEW 1898 — 1957Павeл ЧЕЛІЩЕВ • Павел Федорович ЧЕЛИЩЕВPavel Fedorovich Tchelitchew was born in Kaluga in 1898 to a family of wealthy merchants. In his youth he prepared himself for a career in a medical field, studied mathematics and dance. In 1907 he studied at the youth art school in Moscow. In 1918 the artist moved with his family to Kyiv, where he studied at the Academy of Arts and in the art school of Alexandra Exter. In 1920 Tchelitchew moved to Istanbul and in 1921 – to Berlin. In 1923 the artist settled in Paris where several of his paintings were bought by Gertrude Stein in 1925. In Paris the artist met Christian Berard and joined the “neo-romantic” art group. Tchelitchew had personal exhibitions in London (1928, 1933, Paris (1929, 1931) and New York (1934, 1937). Tchelitchew worked with a number of theatres around the world on set designs. The artist moved to the United States of America at the beginning of the World War II and in 1942 became the United States citizen. Yet in 1949 Tchelitches moved to Europe and settled in Italy. The artist died in Frascati, near Rome in 1957. |